2024 ,《我的世界——2024 杨勇个展》,当代唐人艺术中心,首尔,韩国

2024, “My Realm–2024 Yang Yong Solo Exhibition”, Tang Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea



部分展出作品 / Selected Works Exhibited

*从左到右 From Left to Right


图一/Image No.1:

2009 限速版 No.2–黄色赛车(左) 

2016 都市零件–隔热膜 No.1 (中) 

2016 都市零件–隔热膜 No.2 (右) 

2009 Velocity–Limit Edition No.2–Yellow Racing Car (Left)

2016 Urban Parts–Insulation Film No.1 (Middle)
2016 Urban Parts–Insulation Film No.2 (Right)


图二/Image No.2:

2016 都市零件–隔热膜 No.2 (左) 

2023 都市零件–光的折射(右) 

2016 Urban Parts–Insulation Film No.2 (Left)

2023 Urban Parts–Refraction of Light (Right)


图三/Image No.3:

2023 限速版 No.1–轮胎(左) 

2023 限速版 No.3–蓝色天空(右) 

2023 Velocity–Limit Edition No.1–Tire (Left)
2023 Velocity–Limit Edition No.3–Azure Sky (Right)


图四/Image No.4:

2009 限速版 No.4–赛道上的人群(左) 

2008 限速版 No.2–蓝色的赛场(中) 

2009 限速版 No.2–黄色赛车(右) 

2009 Velocity–Limit Edition No.4–Crowd on the Track (Left)

2008 Velocity–Limit Edition No.2–Blue Arena (Middle)
2009 Velocity–Limit Edition No.2–Yellow Racing Car (Right)


图五/Image No.5:

2020 消费和被消费的–在弗里德里希的画前 No.2(左) 

2011 限速版 No.6–赛道(右) 
2020 Consuming and Being Consumed–In Front of Friedrich's Painting No.2 (Left)
2011 Velocity–Limit Edition No.6–Racetrack (Right)


图六/Image No.6:

2023 追焦–手肘(左) 

2023 追焦–金色把手(右) 
2023 Panning–Elbow (Left)
2023 Panning–Golden Handle (Right)


图七/Image No.7:

2021 食–牡蛎(左) 

2023 消费和被消费的–高跟鞋(黑白)(右) 
2021 Consume–Oysters (Left)

2023 Consuming and Being Consumed–High Heels (Monochrome) (Right)