
The 1st Shenzhen Biennale of Contemporary Art - 

The Art Exhibition of the 35th Anniversary of Shenzhen Special Zones Establishment

项目涵盖3个阶段 an eight-month project unfolding in three phases:

2015.11.14 - 12.5 深圳大学美术馆 Art Gallery of Shenzhen University;

2015.12.18 - 2016.3.18 蛇口价值工厂 Value Factory, Shekou;

2016.1.10 - 6.10 光明招商局智慧城 China Merchants Intelligence Town, Guangming 






主办方:深圳市文学艺术界联合会(深圳大学美术馆展场)、招商局蛇口工业区控股股份有限公司( 蛇口价值工厂展场)、招商局光明科技园有限公司(光明招商局智慧城展场) 





参展人:柏志威、陈绍华、陈向兵、戴耘、邓春儒、邓荣斌、东鹍、董小明、冯志锋、高鸣、龚剑、韩家英、韩磊、韩梦云、郝强、黄京、黄扬、蒋国远、蒋志、孔森、Kay May Ling Beadman/英国、林玉莲、李康、李燎、李强、梁荣、梁宇、刘珩、刘窗、马睿、苗瀚文、明天见、彭立彪、任四四、Siddharth Choudhary/印度、谭达强&林汉、王晓东、文祯非、徐坦、薛松、杨光、杨勇、杨少斌、杨晓洋、杨延康、杨长虹、艺邦美术工作室、游江、余海波、余澎、张闯、张达利、张小纲、张迅、钟曦、周力、周利群、周石民、周逸鸿、邹卫


Exhibition in Art Gallery of Shenzhen Univerisity

Artists: Andrew Lam & Andy Tam, Bai Zhiwei, Chen Shaohua, Chen Xiangbing, Dai Yun, Deng Chunru, Deng Rongbin, Dong Kun, Dong Xiaoming, Doreen Heng Liu, Feng Zhifeng, Gao Ming, Gong Jian, Han Jiaying, Han Lei, Han Mengyun, Hao Qiang, Huang Jing, Huang Yang, Jiang Guoyuan, Jiang Zhi, Kong Sen, Kay May Ling Beadman, Lin Yulian, Li Kang, Li Liao, Li Qiang, Liang Rong, Liang Yu, Liu Chuang, Ma Rui, Miao Hanwen, Peng Li Biao, Ren Sisi, See You Tomorrow (Teng Fei, Huang Yang, Liang Rong), Siddharth Choudhary, Wang Xiaodong, Wen Zhenfei, Xu Tan, Xue Song, Yang Guang, Yang Yong, Yang Shaobin, Yang Xiaoyang, Yang Yankang, Yang Changhong, Yi Bang Arts Studio, You Jiang, Yu Haibo, Yu Peng, Zhang Chuang, Zhang Dali, Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Xun, Zhong Xi, Zhou Li, Zhou Liqun, Zhou Shimin, Zhou Yihong, Zou Wei







Shekou Value Factory Exhibition

Artists: Cai Hongshuo, Ding Wenxing, Fang Qi, Fang Yuwen, Jia Jianghong, Jiang Hong, Jack Lee Kin Lam, Lin Lin, Liu Da, Liu Ke, Rochelle Yang, Shing Au-Yeung, Sun Li, Veron Sun, Wu Shini, Xue Yang, You Piao, Zeng Xi, Zhang Lin, Zhang Zhenxue, Zhuang Yan





参展人:胡又笨、刘斌、Matt Hope/英国、马延东、王辉、汪东明


Guangming Public Art Exhibition

Artists: Hu Youben, Liu Bin, Matt Hope, Ma Yandong, Wang Hui, Wang Dongming






杨:招商局自 1872年创立的140余年间,开创了诸多行业的第一, 在中国近代经济史和社会史发展上具有重要地位,招商局对于深圳的发展亦有着重要的影响,如蛇口工业区的规划毋庸置疑是招商局重要 的硕果。此次 35 周年展览的收官之笔,以公共艺术项目发生在光明新区的招商局 “智慧城”。关于“智慧城”,可以请你谈一下吗?


白:光明智慧城是招商局旗下“招商蛇口”的园区产品之一。众所周知,招商蛇口自1979年以来,就致力于产业园区的开发与运营。蛇口不但是中国改革开放的发源地,也是城区和园区发展的典范之作, 有着近40年的成功经验积累,在此基础上,正在全国范围内进行产业园区的发展布局。光明智慧城位处深圳这样的一线城市,又属于快 速发展中的区域,具备一定的代表性,也有着自身的独特性。所谓代表性,一线或一点五线城市的发展中区域有很多,它们的共同特点,是既有成熟的产业基础和发达的经济基础支撑,又需要创新的产业发展和城市规划,光明也是这样:所谓独特性,是每个城市和城区,原来的基础条件以及发展环境都是不一样的,比如同属一线城市的发展中区域,光明和上海的金山的区别就很大。智慧城的定位以及未来发展,实际上是基于这种代表性和独特性的。


光明智慧城的开发运营至今已有10年左右历史,从无到有,也和光明新区的发展息息相关。目前约 30 万平米的体量,未来3年将超过50万平米。它的定位也有一个发展变化的过程,最开始是科技企业孵化器和加速器,近几年我们在原有基础上推出了智慧城的总体定位。“智慧”这个词大家都很熟悉,其中的涵义却很少有人专门解读。 其实从文字上看,“智”是每“日”一“知”,每日不断增广见闻与学识。“慧”字上面的两个“丰”字分别代表国事和天下事,中间的“彐”代表家事。家事、国事、天下事都放在心上,称之为“慧”。所以智慧,一是在知识的广度和深度上要不断创新、学习和进步,二是在事理和原则上要持续承担社会责任。因此我们的智慧城,就是要通过创新产业的集聚和发展,通过园区的服务和运营,从产业成果和产品、产业服务平台、城区环境提升、产城融合与互动等各方面,推动产业发展和城区发展。


















杨:最后一个问题是关于我们一起实现的这个艺术项目,2016年,“深圳特区成立三十五周年艺术大展暨第一届深圳当代艺术双年展——光明公共艺术展”以智慧城为发生地,落地智慧城的一共有7件雕塑作品,分别来自国内外艺术家,他们中既有资深优秀的建筑设计师、 艺术家,也有刚从高校走出的年轻艺术家。许多经典案例证明,公共艺术在一个城市中有着重要的作用,关于这个展览,你想对观众说点什么吗?





Questions from Yang Yong to Mr. Bai, The General Manager of China Merchants Guangming Science Park


Yang: Since its establishment in 1872, China Merchants has been a pioneer in many respects over the course of more than 140 years. It not only plays an important role in the development of modern economic and social history of China, but also has an important influence on the development of Shenzhen, the planning of Shekou Industrial Park being undoubtedly one of its great achievements. The last of the art exhibitions celebrating the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Zone takes place in the form of a public art project in China Merchants Intelligence Town in Guangming New District. Can you tell us something about “Intelligence Town”?


Bai: Guangming Intelligence Town is one of the products of Merchants Shekou, an organization belonging to China Merchants. As is well known, Merchants Shekou has been devoted to the development and operation of industrial parks since 1979. The birthplace of China’s Reform and Opening Up as well as a masterpiece of city and industrial park development, Shekou has accumulated 40 years of successful experience, which serves as a basis for its nationwide development layout of industrial parks. As a fast-developing district in a first-tier city like Shenzhen, Guangming Intelligence Town is both representative and unique. It is representative in that it shares the characteristics unique to other fast-developing regions of first-tier cities, which is being supported by established industrial foundation and developed economic foundation, while at the same time in demand of innovative industrial development and city planning. It is unique because every city is different in basic condition and developing environment, for example, Guangming District is very different from Jinshan District of Shanghai, though both of them belong to fast-developing districts in first-tier cities. The position and future development of Intelligence Town are based on such representativeness and uniqueness.


Guangming Intelligence Town has been developing and operating for about 10 years, being closely related to the development of Guangming New District. It takes up about 300,000 square meters right now, but in three years, the number will increase to 500,000. It was first positioned as a technology business incubator and accelerator, but in recent years, it undergoes a change to be positioned as an intelligence town. We are all familiar with the word “intelligence”, but few of us take the effort to interpret its connotation. The Chinese character “ 智 ” can be divided into two Chinese characters “ 日 ” and “ 知 ”, meaning learning something new every day, while in “ 慧 ”, the two characters “ 丰 ” at the top represent national affairs and global affairs, the character in the middle meaning home affairs. Therefore, “ 慧 ” means bearing in mind home affairs, national affairs and global affairs. Therefore, in the context of Chinese characters, “intelligence” has two layers of meaning, one is to continuously innovating, studying and making progress to increase knowledge width and depth, and the other is to be a man with reason and principle by shouldering social responsibility. Therefore, it is the aim of our Intelligence Town to promote industrial and urban area development in respects of industrial achievements and products, industrial service platform, enhancement of urban area environment, city and industrial integration and interaction through aggregation and development of innovative industries as well as improved service and operation of industrial parks.


As to the industry organizations of the Intelligence Town, we aim to build an industrial ecosystem. We are now working on a new round of researches, and have preliminarily decided to focus on the development of innovative industries including robotics, intelligent devices, wearable devices and e-commerce with panel display, new material, electronic information and biological medicine as basic industries and a number of modern services as specialty industry. Rather than being independent and separated, these industries constitute a integrated industrial cluster, realizing sharing of internal resources and achievements as well as external resources and markets on a comprehensive industrial service and development platform.


The aforementioned city and industrial integration is actually one of Merchants Shekou’s core ideas. Guangming Intelligence Town is part of the Guangming New District, and our thanks go to the government of the New District for their long-time support and guidance. The integration of industry, park and city is not only industrial and environmental; instead, it is a huge topic covering every aspect of urban area development, and is what we do every day. The development direction of Chinese industrial parks is also closely related to the planning of cities.


Yang: An industrial park featuring city and industrial integration like Intelligence City is actually quite necessary for the development of Guangming New District. It opens the New District to a future full of possibilities and enables the District to realize win-win in culture technology and economic effectiveness. You mentioned city planning, so how do you think of the relationship between cultural creative industry and city planning.


Bai: Technically speaking, cultural creativity is not an industry. It is expressed in various forms, including the form of an industry and the form of life. When it comes to city planning, the expression form of cultural creativity should be considered, because it should exist in every space and time of the city. Metaphorically speaking, it’s a little like “vital energy” in traditional Chinese medicine, which cannot be simply described as being tangible or intangible. Every human being has this “vital energy”, just like every city has cultural creativity. The establishment of industrial park alone could not generate cultural creativity; instead, it comes out of an integrated whole equipped with software and hardware establishment, including people, content, market and spiritual creation. It is a challenge, one that has to be conquered, because cultural creativity is as necessary to a city as “vital energy” is to a human being.


Yang: It is a very good remark. I think every human being is part of this “vital energy” which makes a lot of things come true. You did mention “people”, so what advice do you have for the young generation and entrepreneurs who are growing up and exploring in Shenzhen?


Bai: The young generation and entrepreneurs are promoters of the development of city and society, and therefore, they need to be respected. They are the main force of innovation and creativity, which, however, may easily be killed by temporary failures. I think what we can do is to provide a tolerant environment for innovation to grow and succeed.


Yang: I believe that many young people will be inspired by your words. Another question, in a time when China’s economic GDP is growing rapidly, technology is constantly changing our life quality while culture and art keep enriching our spiritual life. What role do you think technology and culture play in contemporary China?


Bai: This topic is too big for me to answer. But I have one idea to share. We always say that culture is like soil for a plant while technology is more like sunshine, water and fertilizer. But the boundary between technology and culture is becoming more and more obscure, and in the end, both technology and culture will turn into products, just like a plant that is bound to grow up and bear fruit. The final product is the only thing that has practical value, so from the industrial perspective, technology and culture can’t do without product, which means manufacturing. Without technology and culture, we can’t make good product, but without product manufacturing, technology and culture will lose their value.


Yang: The last question is about this art project that we cooperate in realizing. In 2016, “The Art Exhibition of the 35th Anniversary of Shenzhen Special Zone’s Establishment and the 1st Shenzhen Biennale of Contemporary Art – Guangming Public Art Exhibition” took place in the Intelligence Town. In this industrial park, 7 sculptures created by domestic and overseas artists are placed, among whom are experienced architecture designers, outstanding artists and young artists recently graduating from art academy. Many examples prove that public art plays an important role in a city’s development. About this exhibition, do you have any words for the audience?


Bai: This art exhibition is more like an experiment and a starting point. We try to use art as an attraction to bring more people to the Intelligence Town, to enable them to have a new understanding of this industrial park. Though each region has its unique advantage, everyone looks at a region differently and will form an individual value judgment. In both Intelligence Town and Guangming District, we create space, resources and opportunities for the development of cultural creative industry, and we hope that this exhibition will serve as a starting point for the development of a future industry. There is no lack of beauty in the world, but the lack of discovery. Maybe this exhibition will become a discovery.