魔力 · 春茧

Magic · Spring Cocoon

2012.11.3 - 12.20 





场地:华润深圳湾体育中心“春茧” / 深圳湾木棉花酒店




参展人:Ana Tzarev/克罗地亚、Enoia Ballade/法国、方璐、傅洁、耿乐、Hafiz/印度尼西亚、金钕、刘珩、Michael Wolf/德国、Rirkrit Tiravanija/泰国、Vasan Sitthiket/泰国、薛松、徐坦、许仲敏、杨勇、杨茂源、深圳市艺邦美术活动中心&VASAN


Curator: Yang Yong

Venue: CR Shenzhen Bay Sports Center "Spring Cocoon"/ Hotel Kapok, Shenzhen Bay

Sponsor: Nanshan District Shenzhen Propaganda Department (Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration)

Organizer: China Resources Land Limited China Resources Shenzhen Bay Development Co., Ltd 


Artists: Ana Tzarev, Doreen Heng Liu, Enoia Ballade, Fang Lu, Fu Jie, Geng Le, Hafiz, Jin Nu, Michael Wolf, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Vasan Sitthiket, Xue Song, Xu Tan, Xu Zhongmin, Yang Yong, Yang Maoyuan, Shenzhen Yibang Arts Activity Center & Vasan



如果说深圳是个魔力之都,“春茧”就像是在静静地酝酿着属于这个城市的魔法,待它随时 “破茧而出”。

在第 26 届大运会后,华润深圳湾体育中心“春茧”已然成为了深圳市新地标式的文化中心。 通过与商业及文化的整合,它不仅承载着巨大的功能性,更担负着启发公众对文化、艺术、 娱乐新感知的重要使命。而出于其自身的文化高度定位,它所具有的艺术附加值也是毋庸置疑的。


“魔力·春茧”是在深圳湾体育中心场馆内的深圳湾木棉花酒店所进行的一场当代艺术项目,同时也是在“春茧”举办的第一个国际性的当代艺术展。此次展览核心部分的主题艺术展,参展作品形式极其多样;而受邀参展的 16 位国内外艺术家,也都在国际艺术界上享有盛名。更重要的是,他们都对深圳的现状与发展模式心怀强烈的认同感。 运用各自不同的视角、触觉以及表现形式,艺术家们不仅突显了深圳在亚洲范围内最具活力的一面,以及它在中国现代化进程中最具代表性的城市地位,更以深圳在全球化进程中因物质发达而出现的产业特性作为前提,进行了精彩的创作。艺术家们将凭借个人的审美和经验,透过深圳湾体育中心木棉花酒店及周边空间,用独特的方式,展现国际艺术舞台背景下不同佼佼者对“春茧”的聚焦与关注。他们的作品均以“魔力”为主题 , 呈现一个专业的、国际的,观念性与视觉感官并存的当代艺术展览。我们试图通过展览,来讨论这种充满活力的特殊现代化模式,及此模式下所催生出的当代艺术文化现象。



If Shenzhen is the city of magic, then "Spring Cocoon" would be the brewing magic that would break through anytime. "Spring Cocoon" is the new landmark of Shenzhen, the culture and sports center with full facilities. Shenzhen Bay Sports Centers carries great mission of enlightening public new perception of culture, art and entertainment. The added value of art on top of its cultural status is beyond doubt.


"MAGIC International Art Exhibition 2012" is the first international contemporary art exhibition held at Shenzhen Bay Sports Center Hotel Kapok, the "Spring Cocoon". Sixteen important and highly pioneering artists from all around the world are invited to the exhibition, MAGIC is the theme of their works. Shenzhen material developed in globalization is shown brilliantly in artists' creations. Through artists' prosperity and experience, along with their unique language of art in the space of Hotel Kapok, the best of the world will show their focus and attention on "Spring Cocoon". 




