
TOUCH Society





[ 一切从触动开始 ] 

一本书、一部电影、一次展览、一个讲座、一场音乐会、一个派对、一次午后的闲聊,因为接触一些有意思的人,或者一些有意思的事,生活开始变得不一样,使思考有可以交汇的通道, 使心灵有碰撞的冲动。


[ 一次偶然的接触,可以衍生多少思想与行动? ] 

我们所谓的触进社, 它本身是独立的、自由的。它综合了多种门类与形式的活动。可能是一部电影的观摩、或者安排一场有趣的展览、或者邀请到某位艺术家 谈一谈他的作品及创作,是的,可以是我们所能想到的、找得出来的 所有,我们称之为有意思的事,这当中包括了所有有意思或可能其实 没意思的人。也许你因而振奋,更有可能你昏昏欲睡,这都是很好的事。


[ 从接触开始,来分辨你的取向 ] 

我们其实是强调自由、独立的一群, 我们只会聚那些被自动吸引的人,他们热衷于在聚会里检验自身的独立,并将他们的独立思想融会进可能的创作。


[ 从一次接触,衍生的多种结果 ] 

我们聚集起他们,并渐渐由接触而 深入,我们会渐渐发展我们的行动。这行动取决于我们所聚集的这 些人们的指向,但我们可以确切预知:一切有意思的事。也许还是: 一本书、一部电影、一次展览、一个讲座、一场音乐会、一个派对、 一次午后的闲聊。


[ 触进社定义 ] 

一个会员制的俱乐部,每两周活动一次,进行以展览(图片,装置,录像,行为),电影放映,学术讲座,研讨(配合幻灯, 录像资料)、座谈,以及音乐欣赏为主的活动。定期安排会员派对以 促进会员之间的交流。活动配发主题海报,并附以期刊发行。由接触 而聚集创作力量,进行可能的多种形式的创作交流活动。



[Everything starts from a touch] 

A book, a film, an exhibition, a lecture, a concert, a party, an afternoon of chats, or the contact with some interesting people or interesting things can bring about change in life, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas and motivating the collision of souls.


[How many ideas and actions can be generated by an accidental touch?] 

Our so-called Touch Society is in nature an independent and liberal organization which involves forms and activities of every genre: a gathering for a film, or the arrangement of an interesting exhibition, or the invitation for some artist to give a talk about his work and creation, yes, it can be anything we deem interesting within our knowledge and reach, which includes all interesting or perhaps virtually uninteresting people. Maybe it will pep you up, or even make you sleepy, and either effect is just as good.


[Start from a touch to clarify your orientation] 

We are actually a group of people in pursuit of freedom and independence and we will only round up those who are attracted to us spontaneously; they are keen on examining their independence in the gatherings and blending their independent thinking into possible creations.


[The multifarious results from a touch] 

We round them up and go deeper gradually through contacts; our action will be unfolded step by step. The action depends on the orientations of these people we gathered, but we can foresee with certainty that we’re after every single interesting thing. Maybe it’s still: a book, a film, an exhibition, a lecture, a concert, a party, or an afternoon of chats.


[Definition of Touch Society] 

A membership club, whose activities are held once every fortnight, with a focus on exhibitions (photography, installation, video, performance, etc.), film projection, academic lectures, symposiums (with slide shows and video material), informal discussions, and music appreciation. Parties are organized for members regularly to promote the exchanges between them. A theme poster will be designed for every activity along with the issue of a periodical. To accumulate creative power through touches and organize creational exchanges of various possible forms.












“Jean-Philippe Toussaint and His Ice Rink (La Patinoire)”:

projection and a discussion of Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s film


Liu Hen

"About Architecture”: slide show 

徐坦“上城与下城:2002 年纽约的艺术”讲座/作品 展映

“Uptown and Downtown: Art of New York in 2002”: 

a lecture/work presentation by Xu Tan 

沈丕基、王靖、金祝“集体触电:现代电子音乐的发展及类型”音乐演示 / 座谈

“An Electric Shock for All: The Development & Styles of Modern Electronic Music”a music presentation/discussion led by Shen Piji, Wang Jing, Jin Zhu






2002.12.21 - 12.22




“一切从触动开始。一次偶然的接触,可以衍生多少思想与行动?” 任丽说得真好。


2001年的春天,我和任丽、李迪等几个朋友,在讨论多次以后组成了“触进社”这个团体,一开始,它就有着一个明确的方向,“我们所谓的触进社,它本身是独立的,自由的,它综合每种门类的形式和活动,可能是一部电影的观摩,或者安排一场有趣的展览,又或者邀请某位艺术家谈一谈他的作品及创作”就这样我们共同拥有了一个团体“触进社”,这个团体每两周会有一次关于艺术或是电影, 文学或是音乐的活动,它亦有幸得到各种资源的支持——由凤凰周刊生活《新鲜》提供的媒体支援,由澄莲阁提供的活动场地,以及在我的通讯录上找出的珠三角地区(路费所限)从事艺术并且具有一定的代表性的朋友们(由我跟他们联系,约好时间,定出一个主题, 赴深圳做主题讲座或讨论会),还有由黄扬设计的风格强烈的海报。就这样触进社由几个人到更多,我想最后它会为有创作热情的人提供空间和资源,成为一个开放的创作团体而继续存在下去。


到目前,触进社已组织了不少的活动:广州的陈侗,南方艺术工作小组“大尾象”的三位艺术家徐坦、梁钜辉、陈邵雄,法国的电影导演和作家菲利浦·图,香港的导演和影评人舒琪、文艺评论员梁文道、 台湾的艺术策展人和文艺评论员樊婉贞,现在在美国哈佛大学念建筑博士的刘珩,固执的刘庆元和他那固执的版画展,他们都一一带给我们不同的创作经验,并且不少的艺术专业人士成了触进社的朋友。



就是这样一群人,做着不同的工作:教师、杂志编辑、设计师、律师、 自由职业者,却都因为喜欢艺术的这条纽带,而相交在一起,大家都相约在 2002 年的最后一个月,拿出他们极富想象力的作品:李迪会在展场的洗手间为喜欢在此处留言的朋友提供留言便签,这或许是导入的另一个可能性; 彭湃的油画是极具哲学寓意的水果剖面;任丽的图片作品是两个男女青年的化妆过程,如同在解构一个成长骗局;胡漾的行为作品是一个人去 36 楼自杀前的过程;储云的装置是在一台电视上贴满商业社会的各种商品标签,电视播放时也让我们看到商业社会给我们带来的压抑和紧迫感;龚剑的图片作品是一个女 孩在海边戴着一个吸血鬼的假面具叫“因为很爱你,所以想咬你”; 刘窗的装置作品是用 365 块卫生巾做成;梁飚用CD做的装置叫“推广SHOW”;摄影大师杨延康和他的朋友则展示的是精彩的纪实摄影作品,或许这些作品同样会出现在世界一流的图片社和艺术展上面,几位不同职业不同背景的作者的作品都是各自对艺术的认知和对 生存空间的感性表述。也正好印证艺术不分疆界和限度的说法。其中部分作者或许没有职业艺术家做的那么到位和成熟,同样也不知道他们在这条路上会走多远,但他们艺术直觉的敏锐和工作的认真却一点也不让人觉得业余。反而让人更能感受一种单纯和直白的力量。或许正是有了这样一群人才让这个城市变得更有意义。




杨勇于 2002年最冷的一天



Ren Li put it very well, “everything starts from a touch. How many ideas and actions can be generated by an accidental touch?”


In the spring of 2001, Ren Li, Li Di, a few other friends and I set up our “Touch Society” after a couple of discussions, with a clear direction from the very beginning – “our so-called Touch Society is in nature an independent and liberal organization which involves forms and activities of every genre: a gathering for a film, or the arrangement of an interesting exhibition, or the invitation for some artist to give a talk about his work and creation,” so in this way we became co-owners of the organization “Touch Society”, which would arrange an activity every fortnight about art or movie, literature or music, and, fortunately, has also been receiving support from various resources – the press support from Phoenix Weekly / Life and Fresh, the activity venue provided by the Chilango Bookstore, my friends in the Pearl River Delta Area who are dedicated to art and representative in certain ways (I’m in charge of inviting them by appointment to give a lecture or symposium revolving a certain topic), and the posters of a strong style designed by Huang Yang. Little by little, Touch Society has been expanding from a few to more members, and I believe that it will eventually become an open and sustainable creative organization which provides both space and resources for people with enthusiasm for creation.


To date, Touch Society has organized quite a number of activities: Chen Tong from Guangzhou, artists Xu Tan, Liang Juhui and Chen Shaoxiong from “Big Tail Elephant”, a South China artistic team, filmmaker and writer Jean-Philippe Toussaint from France, filmmaker and film critic Shu Kei from Hong Kong, art and literature critic Leung Man-tao, art curator and art and literature critic Anthea Fan from Taiwan, Liu Hang who’s currently studying in Harvard University for a doctorate degree in architecture, and stubborn Liu Qingyuan and his stubborn exhibition of prints, have brought us different creational experience one by one, and many art professionals have been friends with Touch Society.


At the end of every activity, I believe that there’ll always be some minds inspired by these professionals. After getting their work done, they will engage themselves in their unfinished dreams, or deep down in many souls, there is always an aspiration for art. Such is what I firmly believe in, and I truly hope that the activities of Touch Society and the related exchanges of ideas can serve as the boosters of their aspiration, which is the very intention of the founding of Touch Society.


Those who comprise Touch Society come from different walks of life: teacher, magazine editor, designer, lawyer, freelancer; but because of their love for art, they were linked together and all decided to present their most imaginative works in the last month of 2002: Li Di provided scratch paper in the restroom of the exhibition venue for those who liked to leave a note there, which might have been another possibility of introduction; Peng Pai’s oil painting was a cross-section of fruit abundant in philosophical messages; Ren Li’s picture work showed the process of a young man and woman putting on their make-up, like deconstructing a fraud of growth; Hu Yang’s performance work was the process of one going up to the 36th floor for suicide; Chu Yun’s installation was a television set with all kinds of product labels of this commercial society stuck all around, which also gave us a sense of repression and urgency produced by this commercial society when the TV was on; Gong Jian’s photographic work was a girl behind a vampire mask yelling “I love you, so I want to bite you” at a beach; Liu Chuang’s installation was made up of 365 sanitary napkins; Liang Biao’s installation of CDs was named “Promotion SHOW”; and photography master Yang Yankang and his friends presented their spectacular documentary photographic works. These works could have also appeared in world-class picture agencies and art exhibitions, and, for these several artists different in occupation and background, their works are their separate understanding of art and perceptual expression of their living space, which also proves that there’s no boundary or limitation in art. Some of them may not be as accurate and mature as professional artists and don’t know how far they will get in this field, but their keen artistic intuition and their carefulness at work give no amateur impression. Instead, people can feel from them the power of simplicity and frankness. Perhaps they are the very ones that make the city more meaningful.


Certainly, all of these may be of no practical value in this age, but I believe that this kind of persistence can bring one’s true stance out, meaning that the spiritual world is particularly important.


By Yang Yong, on the coldest day of 2002





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