2008 国际通道/世界属于你,绘画装置(作品为图中前景)

2008 International Passage/The World Belongs to You, Painting installation (Foreground)




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.12–吻,油画颜料、茶几,100 x 100 x 60 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.12–Kiss, Oil painting, tea table, 100 x 100 x 60 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.13–希思黎,油画颜料、旅行箱,81 x 73 x 24 cm

Right: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.13–Sisley, Oil painting, suitcase, 81 x 73 x 24 cm




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.15–希思黎,油画颜料、旅行箱,40 x 57 x 25 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.15–Sisley, Oil painting, suitcase, 40 x 57 x 25 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.18–霍金(右下)、No.19–阿拉伯新闻(左上),油画颜料、木盒,50 x 50 x 100 cm

Right: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.18–Hawking (lower right), No.19–The Arab News (upper left), Oil painting, wooden box, 50 x 50 x 100 cm




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.21–白宫时刻,油画颜料、英式桌球,382 x 235 x 85 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.21–Moment of the White House, Oil painting, billiard,

382 x 235 x 85 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.21–白宫时刻(局部)

Right: 2008 International Passage/World is Yours No.21–Moment of the White House (Detail)




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.23–VOGUE,油画颜料、平沙发,160 x 90 x 38 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.23–VOGUE, Oil painting, flat sofa, 160 x 90 x 38 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.25–他为世界做了什么,油画颜料、电冰箱,60 x 60 x 170 cm

Right: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.25–What Has He Done for the World, Oil painting, refrigerator, 60 x 60 x 170 cm




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.26,油画颜料、木制衣柜,300 x 50 x 200 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.26, Oil painting, wooden closet, 30 x 50 x 200 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.27–耶路撒冷的智慧,油画颜料、浴缸,170 x 80 x 61 cm

Right: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.27–The Wisdom of Jerusalem, Oil painting, bathtub,

170 x 80 x 61 cm




左图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.30–纳斯达克,油画颜料、落地瓷花瓶,50 x 50 x 180 cm

Left: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.27–NASDAQ, Oil painting, floor porcelain, 50 x 50 x 180 cm


右图:2008 国际通道/世界属于你No.38–凯特·摩丝(左)、No.39–帝国大厦(右),油画颜料、钢制沙滩椅,203 x 60 x 70 cm

Right: 2008 International Passage/The World is Yours No.38–Kate Moss (left), No.39–The Empire State Building (right), Oil painting, wheeled steel sun lounger, 203 x 60 x 70 cm




左图:2009 国际通道/世界属于你No.1–为了石油,油画颜料、油罐,58 x 58 x 93 cm

Left: 2009 International Passage/The World is Yours No.1–Aim for Oil, Oil painting, oil can, 58 x 58 x 93 cm


右图:2009 国际通道/世界属于你No.3–教皇,油画颜料、折叠床,64 x 15 x 32 cm

Right: 2009 International Passage/The World is Yours No.3–The Pope, Oil painting, folding bed, 64 x 15 x 32 cm